In attendance: Donavan Pantke, Mark Amans, Teresa Rushing, Trey Holcomb
7:04 pm – Call to order
- Made by Donavan Pantke
7:05 pm – Motion to acknowledge that Amanda Ferguson has moved out of the county, and therefore is no longer eligible to be a member of TCLP and has resigned her position
- Made by Donavan Pantke
- No objections
- Motion carried
7:06 pm – Motion to authorize removal of Amanda Ferguson from TCLP bank account effective today.
- Made by Donavan Pantke
- No objections
- Motion carried
7:07 pm – Motion to pass resolution “Be it resolved, the Tarrant County Libertarian hereby approves of
Trey Holcomb to serve on the Executive Committee of LPTexas as a District
Representative representing Texas Senate District 10”.
- Made by Donavan Pantke
7:07 Floor opened for questions to Trey Holcomb
- No questions asked
- No objections
- Motion carried
7:08 pm – Motion to adjourn meeting
- Made by Donavan Pantke
- Seconded by Teresa Rushing
- No objections
Meeting adjourned at 7:08 pm